Monday, April 6, 2009

recent realization & now, invitation

So, as I was preparing and planning for the one week in June that my mom and sister will visit me in Europe I realized that I have been here for three months and have only done very limited traveling. So far, I've been here in Göteborg, out to the islands in the southern archipelago off the coast, and to Kiruna.

So, I immediately ripped the calender off my wall and started marking which days I have to be in Göteborg and which days I can go and travel.

I have decided to make a trip to Stockholm April 24th - April 28th. Also, I have decided to make a trip to Rome, Florence, Milan, and Oslo between May 4th and May 13th!

I've booked my bus and hostel for Stockholm and invited some people to come along, but it looks like I might be headed there by myself. My Italy/Norway trip is a bit more complicated and I haven't booked anything yet, but I plan to in the near future.

If you the reader would like to join me on these trips (given that I know you, at the very least... and maybe even like you...) , let me know!

1 comment:

M!R@ said...

you have funny endings in your posts :D